Daedra Hearts are similar in appearance to Human Hearts, though there are more arteries on the Daedra Heart, in addition to its deeper red color.
The Sigil Stone is not consumed with the crafting of the Daedra Heart.ĭaedra Hearts are also used in crafting Daedric Armor and Daedric weapons at the Atronach Forge.ĭaedra Hearts are used in Smithing to create Daedric armor and Daedric weapons. Potions Main article: Potions (Skyrim) Restore Healthĭaedra Hearts can be made at the Atronach Forge with the following ingredients: Moth gro-Bagol, a blacksmith in the Understone Keep, will ask the Dragonborn to locate a Daedra heart in exchange for a piece of light or heavy armor.Ītub, an Orsimer mage in Largashbur, will ask for a Daedra heart, along with one troll fat.
The Ebony Warrior will have one after he is defeated.
Folgunthur, during the quest " Forbidden Legend," one can be found on the corpse of Daynas Valen.
In Sinderion's Field Laboratory in Blackreach, on the shelf next to the alchemy table and enchanting table (it's the building right in front of the exit into Alftand Cathedral).
After completing Shalidor's Maze and killing Dremora Valkynaz in Labyrinthian.
There is also a chance that Reyda's remains contain a Daedra heart.
Narfi will give two or three random ingredients as rewards after he is given Reyda's necklace in the quest " The Straw that Broke." A Daedra heart is one of the possibilities.
If the quest has not been completed, the Daedra heart may be obtained by pickpocketing or killing the traveler.
If the Dark Brotherhood quest " To Kill an Empire" has been completed, the writ of passage may be shown to the traveler to receive a Daedra heart.
Random encounter: A wandering traveler named Balbus will say he's gathering supplies in hopes of sharing a new recipe with the Gourmet.
In the unmarked " Daedric Relic" quest, if Velehk Sain is killed, he will drop a heart.
During " The Black Star," Malyn Varen summons three Dremora mages, each of which yields a heart on death.
During the quest " Waking Nightmare," in the laboratory within Nightcaller Temple, there are four shelves in the right hand corner of the room with two hearts.
A trip to the Soul Cairn can yield many hearts, as nearly every chest contains one, and many of the enemies here have a chance to drop one.
Vigilants of Stendarr may drop one, though it is rare.
One may be found on a dead alchemist in a random encounter.
Drelas' Cottage, one may sometimes be found in the containers.
The more powerful the spellcaster, the higher the chance.
Any enemy spellcasters may drop one, but only rarely.
Any apothecary's satchels in the game may contain one, though very rare.
May also have one in their personal inventory, which may be pickpocketed.
Alchemy shops may have up to two Daedra hearts in stock as early as character Level 2.
Thalmor Wizards may very rarely carry one.
Babette, in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, usually has 1–2 Daedra hearts.
No longer available once the quest " Dawnguard" is initiated, as the hall will be destroyed.
Respawns at the start of each month, though it must be stolen.
On the table at the far end of the main room.
Daedra hearts can sometimes be pickpocketed from Farkas, however it is extremely rare for him to be carrying any.
A second Daedra heart may sometimes be pickpocketed from Kodlak.
Counts as stolen unless the Companions' questline has been completed.
In Kodlak's quarters, on or near a plate on the desk.
Enthir, at the College of Winterhold, usually has two and restocks every two days.
The four Dremora respawn every ten in-game days.
Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon, during and after " Pieces of the Past." Four Dremora (two inside, two outside), each has a Daedra heart.
They can also be obtained as loot by killing Daedra. A few are found in quests to obtain Daedric artifacts, while others can be found in random apothecary satchels and on necromancers.